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Harness Your Power as a Conscious Creator

Do you sometimes feel like you've lost your “mojo”? Or like something is missing, even if you can't quite identify what it is?

In short, you want MORE. More freedom, more joy, more FUN! 

But perhaps you don’t know where to start. Or maybe you've tried a slew of techniques, but nothing has really "stuck."

Trust me, I've been there. I was one of those “professional students,” and when I finished grad school, I had no clue what I wanted to do with my life. I felt empty — dead inside — and I didn’t know why. Like many people, I tried to fill the void in a lot of not-so-healthy ways, like drugs and "retail therapy."

Then I discovered self-help and thought, "Yes, I've found the answer!" If I could just "fix" myself and my life, everything would be perfect! 

And yes, I did experience gains in both my inner and outer world. As I stepped out of victim mentality and took charge of my life, I started to feel better and experience improvements in my finances and professional life. I went from being broke and struggling, bouncing around from one odd job to the next, to finding work that compensated me well and was stimulating and enjoyable.

But even when I achieved success as a copywriter, I still felt unfulfilled...that lingering sense that something was missing.  

It’s only when I started to engage my creative side again—dancing, blogging, and immersing myself in fiction—that I started to feel truly alive. And vibrant, in love with life!

I also discovered how I was manifesting desired outcomes in my life through dancing and writing. After a while, I thought, “Hey, there must be something to this!”

And now, I would LOVE to share my discoveries with you—especially if more conventional techniques like affirmations have not gotten you where you want to be. 

You see, at your core, you are a creative being. You are always creating, every second of every day—whether you like it or not.

Now, armed with this knowledge, how would you like to create more of the things you DO want?

This is what it means to be a conscious creator.

You ARE capable of generating your ideal reality—not just in the future (you may be familiar with "vision statements")—but RIGHT NOW, in this moment.

Here's something else I've discovered. It's NOT about "fixing" ourselves or our lives.

It's about allowing more and more of our infinite, expansive, divine selves to emerge. To experience more of who we truly are. THAT is ultimate freedom.

But we’re not always aware of our true nature. We’re programmed from an early age to believe that our imagination is disconnected from the “facts” of life, that life is meant to be a hard slog (or a series of random events), that — essentially — we’re powerless.

It’s time to reclaim your power.

Imagine a life where:

  • You're excited to get out of bed each day, viewing even "routine" events with awe and wonder.

  • You feel a deeper connection with yourself, everyone around you, and life itself.

  • You have the energy to see your passion projects through to completion.

  • When challenges arise, you embrace them fully as opportunities for growth.

  • You are actively (and joyfully!) bringing your biggest, boldest visions into fruition, while savoring each moment of the process.

  • Most importantly, you are guided by a sense of purpose, making meaningful contributions that light up others and bring a deep sense of personal fulfillment. And when you are living a life fueled by joyful creative expression and powerful purpose, you experience harmony with everyone and everything around you.

    You may have dabbled in manifestation principles or read about the Law of Attraction. Perhaps you've even studied the subject for years.

    Here's what I've found, though. Many of these are wonderful principles, and I'm sure we've all seen at least some examples of them at work.

    But it's also easy to get swept up in the doubt and confusion that daily circumstances can bring about. We may start to feel that we're not so powerful after all. That perhaps life is just random.

    That's why I've found that engaging in creative processes—like writing and dance—can help us to recognize ("re-cognize"—in other words, to recover forgotten knowledge) and then harness our capacity as conscious creators.

    When you create a story or a piece of art, it's pretty awesome when you think about it! You are taking the "unseen" (the contents of your imagination) and translating it into the "seen." And that's exactly the same thing we are doing when we are consciously creating our reality.

    Now, you may be saying, "But I'm not creative!"

    I hear you. Perhaps you had a teacher tear apart your writing, or (true story) a camp counselor refer to your sculpture as a piece of "trash."


    But this inner critic, typically fueled by stories you were told in childhood—that same voice who tells you that imagination is "worthless" and that only "facts" matter—is merely clouding the voice of your true self—your empowered, infinite self.

    So as we engage in processes that enable you to tap into your innate creativity—the creativity that exists in each and every one of us—you begin to clear away those clouds, to silence that inner critic—in ALL areas of your life! 

    And when you do, you open up a world of possibilities you never knew existed.

    Imagine being fueled by a constant sense of awe and excitement at life’s unfolding. Feeling thrilled to be alive. Making each day a masterpiece, injecting fun and flow into even routine events.

    It's time to say "yes" to your soul's deepest desires. To say "yes" to MORE as you form a divine union with the infinite expansiveness that is your true nature!

    Intrigued? Have questions? Don't hesitate to reach out! You can email me here or book a chat here. I would love to learn more about you and your journey! 

    Ready to join me in paradise? Just click the button below and let the adventures unfold!


    Three-Week Journey in Conscious Creation

    $297 (Weekly One-on-One Sessions, 60 Minutes Each)

    Together, we’ll go on an immersive creative journey, uncovering songs, films, and works of literature that light you up and activate the conscious creator within you. We’ll engage in processes that will further strengthen and enhance your creative powers so you can start uncovering more possibilities for yourself. This journey consists of three main themes: Lighting the Spark, Transmuting Perspectives, and Creating Your Ideal Life, where we will set into motion the engine fueling the life of your dreams (recognizing that each day is a dream to be treasured while simultaneously architecting those big, bold visions that set your soul on fire). Each journey is highly individualized so as to facilitate your greatest transformation, but these are just some of the elements it may include:

    • Intuitive Energy Readings: Uncover vital information that will support you in fulfilling your goals, desires, and life mission as I tune into your chakras and energy field! Discover any blockages/delays that may be hindering your progress as well as unique gifts you can tap into for closer alignment with your vision. 

    • Personalized Playlist: Receive songs with messages to guide you along your unique transformational journey, providing validation, clarity, and inspiration.

    • Dance as Meditation, Therapy, and Creation: Supercharge your manifestation process, engage in empowering inner dialogues, and, of course, have fun and feel amazing! This process I have developed uses dance and other multi-sensory “imagination playground” activities to help you activate your creative energies, engage with and process your emotions, and fully embody your vision. 

    • Channeled Prayers: Receive personalized messages to help you release any limiting beliefs and bring you into alignment with your vision so you can start living from the state of having already achieved your desired results!

    • Fun Perspective-Shifting Exercises (including my own “Alchemize Crap into Gold” process): Transform those dense, icky thoughts and emotions that are mucking up your creative energy and slowing your progress into empowering thoughts and emotions that will energize you and fuel your creations.

    • Creative Writing Exercises: Activate your creator mojo, silencing the critical/judgy part of your brain and allowing your imagination to flow!

    • Zoom-Out Technique: Gain mastery of your emotions, transmuting triggers with lightness and levity

    • Pimp Your Routine: Blast away the blahs and pump more fun into your daily life!

    • Architect Your Ideal Life: Gain clarity on the big picture as well as the precise steps needed to get from point A to point B

    • Worksheets, Journaling Prompts, and Homework (or rather, “HomePlay”): While our time together will most certainly be transformational (and fun!), equally vital to your transformation is how you then integrate all the treasures you gain into your daily life so you can continue feeling awesome and seeing those gains! Track your progress, further explore and expand your creative powers through experiential independent activities, document your journey, and maintain your momentum.

    • Intuitive Art: Open up a direct communication line with the divine and let the messages flow in!

    • Mind Mapping: Synthesize your treasures (inner and outer resources, life experiences, etc.) so you can see just how much amazingness you already have right now at your fingertips, a treasure chest you can draw from at any time! This can help when you're feeling in lack or if you're anything like me and have millions of notes in separate files. Mind mapping is also a great tool for creative projects or simply organizing your ideas (or your mind! lol), giving you a bird's-eye view of all the individual components.  

    Meet Kate

    I'm Kate Findley—intuitive coach, writer, and head boss lady of Generate Magic, which is all about making magic out of EVERY moment—even the crappy ones—and using the raw materials of your life to weave an awesome tapestry. You can read my writing on peakD (a blockchain platform where the majority of my work appears these days) as well as Medium. Questions? Reach out to me at [email protected] or DM me on Twitter

    What People Say

    “My session with Kate was deeply validating. From the moment she tapped into my field, I felt such a sense of serenity; I felt this delicious peace and lightness fill up my being as she scanned through my field. Sitting into each of the chakras and presencing the energy there as guided by her felt like a massage. Moving from chakra to chakra, the information she shared with me resonated on levels I could barely believe were so exact and surreally applicable. Kate tapped into things I didn't even realize were so essential to my field, as she guided the light of my awareness to areas that offered me specific guidance on my next best steps. How she knew I had just tapped back into reading fiction can only be the truth of her gifts shining forth. What a beautiful healing."

    Marissa Rose

    multidimensional healer


    “Even the healers need healing and support. I had an energy scan session with Kate Findley. She really hit on some points that were very accurate to the core of what I was looking for help with and expanded on that. I'm impressed with how much it helped get me unstuck. Her reading brought clarity and confirmation on my questions. She was able to hone in on some energy that was blocking my progress in getting signups for my program. I made some changes in my approach and two new people enrolled in my course within a week. Thank you Kate!"

    Miché Meizner

    Healer, Mentor, Soul-Guide

    SpoonBenders Cafe

    “I loved my session with Kate. Her energy is welcoming, gentle and playful, which allowed me to feel safe. Her observations really resonated and made me feel seen and reminded me of my creativity as home 🙏”

    Sophie Mars

    p𝚎𝚛𝚏𝚘𝚛𝚖𝚊𝚗𝚌𝚎 artist, d𝚊𝚗𝚌𝚎 t𝚑𝚎𝚛𝚊𝚙𝚒𝚜𝚝

    Mindful Mutations - 𝚘𝚛 𝚑𝚘𝚠 𝚝𝚘 𝚛𝚎𝚙𝚛𝚘𝚐𝚛𝚊𝚖𝚖𝚎 𝚘𝚞𝚛𝚜𝚎𝚕𝚟𝚎s

    “Kate did an energy scan for me and I loved it! She picked up on lots of information—some I was aware of, which was great confirmation—and some new and very insightful. The session inspired me. I highly recommend!"

    Linda Lang

    intuitive healer, mentor, alignment coach


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